Last updated on April 3, 2024
The NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) serves as the apex public policy think tank of the Government of India. It focuses on catalyzing economic development, fostering cooperative federalism, and involving State Governments in the policymaking process.

About the NITI Aayog Internship
Undergraduate and postgraduate students or research scholars from recognized universities/institutions can apply for this internship scheme. Interns will work closely with NITI’s verticals/divisions/cells and contribute to policy formulation.
The purpose of the internship is to provide short-term exposure to selected candidates with different verticals/divisions/units of NITI Aayog, allowing them to learn about government functioning and developmental policy issues.
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The objectives include allowing young academic talent to be associated with NITI Aayog’s work, providing interns an opportunity to learn about government functioning and contribute to policy formulation.
Eligibility Criteria
Bonafide students of recognized universities/institutions within India or abroad are eligible. UG students must have secured not less than 85% in 12th class, while graduate students must have secured not less than 70% in graduation. The internship duration should not exceed six months.
The internship period shall be at least six weeks but not exceeding six months.
Deadline (Last Date To Apply)
The online application link is open from 1-10 of every month.
How To Apply?
Interested candidates can apply online by filling out the registration form CLICK HERE
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