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How to use GitHub Copilot for free in 2024

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Lama Coder : A Free Alternative to GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot for free, In the realm of coding, efficiency is key. From seasoned developers to novices, everyone seeks tools that streamline the coding process and enhance productivity. However, traditional solutions like GitHub Copilot often come with subscription fees, limiting accessibility for many. But fear not! Enter Lama Coder, a game-changing extension offering code completion without the price tag.

How to use GitHub Copilot for free 2024
How to use GitHub Copilot for free 2024

Understanding Lama Coder

Unlike conventional options, Lama Coder operates on a different paradigm. By leveraging locally installed LAMELAM, this extension empowers users with free code suggestions. No need for hefty subscription fees – Lama Coder utilizes your computer’s resources efficiently, making it accessible to all.

Diverse Model Selection

One of Lama Coder’s standout features is its versatility in model selection. Whether you’re tackling a mammoth project or fine-tuning intricate details, Lama Coder has you covered. With options ranging from a 70 billion lines of code parameter model to specialized models like Code Lama 7 billion, the possibilities are endless. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to tailored code completion experiences.

GitHub Copilot for free : Unparalleled Flexibility

Gone are the days of being tethered to a single model. Lama Coder grants users the freedom to experiment, adapt, and evolve. Seamlessly switch between models to suit your coding needs, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy. With Lama Coder, the future of code completion is in your hands.

Comparing with GitHub Copilot

While not a direct comparison, it’s hard to ignore the advantages Lama Coder offers over GitHub Copilot. The ability to utilize custom models and choose preferred parameters puts Lama Coder ahead of the curve. It’s a testament to the democratization of coding tools, leveling the playing field for developers worldwide.

Overcoming Limitations Of Lama Coder

Admittedly, Lama Coder may encounter performance issues on slower PCs. However, the benefits far outweigh the occasional sluggishness. Even on modest hardware, Lama Coder proves its worth, delivering accurate and efficient code suggestions. After all, something is better than nothing, especially when it’s free.


In a world where innovation drives progress, Lama Coder stands as a beacon of accessibility and empowerment. By harnessing the power of AI and local resources, it revolutionizes code completion, making it available to all. Whether you’re a seasoned coder or just starting your journey, Lama Coder is your ticket to enhanced productivity and seamless coding experiences.

Feedback and Further Exploration

Have thoughts or suggestions on Lama Coder? Share them in the comments section – your feedback fuels our quest for improvement. And if you’re eager to delve deeper, stay tuned for tutorials on leveraging Lama Coder’s full potential. Together, let’s unlock the possibilities of AI-driven code completion – for free.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Until next time, happy coding!

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